Wednesday, 17 April 2013


I had my English final from 7:00 to 9:30 this evening, I got home around 10:40, and I have 30 minutes to spare before I get this post published on time! Woo!
Not much to say, except that I finished school for the semester. Now, I just want to relax and go to sleep. Sorry for the disappointing post. Again. But, like I said in my last post, next week will start the more interesting topic'd posts! I hope you're excited.
I have a few more dreams that I will post on my dream blog in the near future, so stay tuned for that!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


They're coming up for me, so this blog post is basically non-existent. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'll probably be back to more interesting topics in a couple weeks, the week after next week. But right now, I'll have my nose in the books...Or I'll try to.

PS. I am posting up on my dream blog more regularly though. At least, when I have the dreams. Check it out if you miss me ;)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


Hey guys, I forgot to make a post earlier, and now I don't have time to write a full post since I'm going to bed soon. I do want to say that I'm seriously wanting to lose weight this year, and I've been needing to find a way to be motivated to do so, since gyms scare me (crazy athletic/fit people walking around looking like they own the place, me being awkward and not as physically in shape) and I usually just sit around at home on my computer. Well, my sister showed me this vlogger, who does "pilates" workouts. Actually, I knew about her too, from Lindy aka bubzbeauty on YouTube: it's Cassey from blogilates on YouTube! She also has a blog, which is pretty cool. She gives health tips, food recipes, and different types of workouts. She has a workout calendar too, and I signed up for it, except that it's not working, which tells me that Cassey hasn't been on her blog in a while ;) Anyway, if you guys want to check it out, I highly recommend it. So far, I've been doing her warmup cardio video, and her Call Me Maybe Gangnam Style Squat Challenge video. They're super intense, but they're really good! I will definitely be checking out more of her stuff later on this week.
I hope all of you are doing well, check ya next week!