Tuesday, 25 June 2013


I don't know about you guys, but where I am, summer isn't quite here.
The first day of summer was this past Friday...and today, the weather seemed extremely bipolar. When I woke up, it was cloudy. Later on in the day, it was grey and then it rained. The sun then broke out for a few moments before it was overpowered by clouds once again. Right now, it's cloudy, with patches of blue sky peeking out, and a little bit of a wind. Clearly, Mother Nature hasn't gotten the message.
I'd also like to mention that today was my first day of school, for the summer semester. I'm only taking one class, and it's in intercession, which means it's very fast paced: 2 weeks of regular semester crammed into one. Since it was the first day, the class wasn't too bad, pretty easy and the time seemed to fly by. Obviously, it's going to get more intense and I'm going to be pulling out my hair by mid July, believe me.
Or not. We'll see. I handle stress in a weird way, although I've been told it's not uncommon. When I get stressed out, I tend to not do anything about it. I just leave it where it is and don't come back to it the next day. This is not a good way to handle stress, but it's what I do, and it's working out pretty well for me. I'm doing ok in school, not A material but I get by with Bs or the close equivalent (C-s are close enough for me, truly. As long as I pass the class and it counts for credits, I'm happy).
But yeah, that's where I'm at right now. How are you guys doing?

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Hey guys.
Sorry this post is a day late. I've had a crazy last few days, especially over the weekend.
What happened was that the long-time facilities manager at Hope Bay Bible Camp is going to be leaving soon, and this weekend was his going-away hang out. The plan for my sister and I was to arrive Friday afternoon and leave Saturday night. Early Saturday afternoon, my sister said to me that she would like to stay for the entire weekend, so leave Sunday night instead of Saturday. I called my mom to ask if this was ok, she said it was, and that was that. I just needed to figure out when the ferry left Sunday night and then I forgot about it. Then, Sunday morning, I woke up at 7, 2.5 hours earlier than I had to wake up, and realized that I needed to extend the parking time of my car since I drove it to the ferry terminal.
Other than that, my weekend was pretty good. Missed Father's Day with the father, but we had made a card before we left and then went out to dinner Monday night.
And yeah. Basically the only friend I keep regular contact with keeps asking me to hang out...but if I'm being honest, I would really like to stay at home for the next week or so, being lazy, like I usually am. I also need to catch up on sleep before school starts. Yes, I said school is starting. On the 25th. I'm so excited -_-
Anyway, that's all I gotta say. I hope you all are well. Let me know in the comments if anything crazy has been going on in your life!

Monday, 10 June 2013

My Calendar

I'm not sure how you guys keep yourself organized, but recently, I've been putting stickers onto my calendar. (I don't remember if I've talked about this before, but you're going to have to suck it up if I have. Besides, I don't think there are many people that read this :P ) Each sticker is represented by something I need to do, or will do. For example, this month, Christmas stickers represent my exercising (I get to put a sticker into the day box if I have done 30+ minutes of working out), Disney stickers represent my need to exfoliate once a week, and so on. There are a lot of stickers on my calendar, and if I could post a picture I would, but for now, you're going to have to believe me. Last week is filled with stickers, and I'm thinking that this week will be the same.
Anyway, that's all I have for now. Sorry for not being as subject based as I thought I would be, but sometimes I don't feel like writing about serious things.
See you next week!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Being Busy

So much for not doing anything this summer.

I've been quite busy this past week and a half or so. Lots of going places and spending money. Fun.
As much as I love doing things with my family, seeing and hanging out with my friend, I would honestly rather be working. A job. That pays me money. So I can do other things. Like travel.

I would love to elaborate on this more, except that it's kind of late, and I *almost* forgot I had to write a blog post today. (In June, it's gonna be Mondays!)
Let me know what your guys' summer plans are! I will probably tell you guys mine later on this month. Right now, I need to be sleeping!