Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Heat

Is becoming unbearable. I mean, I'm just sitting here. In my room. Sweating. And it's very disgusting. Especially because today, I took a shower. So, I took a shower to get all the sweat off (from the heat and also from my workout), but now I have sweat on my body again.

I also want to mention here that I'm really sorry for not posting last week. I think it just slipped my mind/I was doing other, more unimportant things online because I was bored. Probably watching a movie actually. Plus, I wrote 2 blog posts that one week, so I deserved some kind of break ;P
Kidding, I love you, person reading this random and strange blog post from a person who is trying not very hard.

...And I'm pretty sure I wanted to mention something else, but I can't remember. Woo. My brain is amazing.

Ok, so that is it. Super short, again, but I posted!
Currently, I am in school, taking a French class. I may have mentioned this in a previous post, but I want to let you know that I'm still going strong. And it's going to be over next week!!! 5 weeks, intense, but not intense that the same time. The best kind of intense.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Nail Art

I don't know if you guys know this about me or not (I can't remember if I mentioned this in my 50 Facts post), but I really like to paint my nails. Not just one colour though: I love creating designs on my fingers. There's something about creating something on a little canvas that I really enjoy. I've started painting my sister's nails too, which is pretty cool because I get to practice, but also because she's stopped biting her nails, so her nails are growing! We've tried many different ways to get her to stop, and this seems to be helping, even though it hasn't in the past.
I usually get my inspiration from YouTubers, mostly cutepolish but also bubzbeauty. I'm also subscribed to tartofraises1, but her designs I find are a little more complicated, because they require detail paintbrushes and acrylic paint, even though she says they're easy to do. Practice makes perfect though. I just gotta find the courage to actually try one of her designs :P
One thing I'd really like to get done in my life is a manicure and pedicure. Even though I treat my nails well and the way I keep them is probably healthier than how they do it in a salon, I'd like to see what they do, just for the experience. There's this nail salon in Langley that I really want to try out, it's new, locally owned, and seems to have a really comfortable atmosphere. One day, I'll go. I hope.
I have some of my nails designs on my Twitter, @paulajaey, if you want to check them out. I haven't posted designs recently, but there are some there :)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

My Annoyance of a Mom

Do your parents annoy the hell out of you?
I really want you to think about it.
Like, really.
Really, really, really think about it.
Have you thought of something that they annoyed you with?
Are you sure?
Ok, now, with that in mind, I'd like to wager that my parents are 100x more annoying than yours.

It's funny, because whenever I start talking about my parents, it usually turns out negative. Like what they do, what they say, how they say it, and the list goes on. So far, I think I've only talked about my dad, because he scares the shit out of me, and I needed to vent.
Now, however, I'd like to talk about my mom.

Sure, she's my mom. Hell, she gave birth to me (technically, she endured an emergency cesarian section for me) and I should be grateful for that. Right? I might sound heartless, but I couldn't give a rat's ass if she did or not.
She's a liar, a hypocrite, a procrastinator, a perfectionist, a complainer, and extremely bipolar (although we haven't had a doctor tell us so. Yet). I know, some of these things that I mentioned cancel each other out, but no, she is all of these things.
For example, today, she started vacuuming the house. In the morning. When I got home in the late afternoon, the vacuum was right in front of my room. I also did my sister and I's bed sheets. In the evening, I got the laundry out of the dryer and went up to make our beds. I asked my mom if she was going to put away the vacuum. She replied that she didn't finish vacuuming the bedrooms. I got a little annoyed because I was making my bed: clean sheets and vacuuming do not mix, in my books. I thought she'd start up again as soon as I finished making the beds. But no. She did not. She vacuumed as I was putting the sheets on my bed.
Good Lord I wanted to yell at her so hard.
Oh, and that wasn't the last of it. She started vacuuming my room, only to stop a couple seconds later, to look through the drawers under my bed...WHAT THE HELL.
She then continued to ask me if I was still wearing certain clothing items and told me I needed to wash them. I should also mention that dirty, dusty ass vacuum head was on top of my clean, washed pyjamas. I got upset, and told her to take the vacuum head off while doing it myself. She started laughing and said that it wouldn't bother her if it was her things. I told her the clothes the vacuum head was on was not her clothes. Jesus.
When she finally finished with my room, she went on to my sister's. She then started to complain that we needed to empty our garbages out, because they were full. I replied that I was waiting for the end of the week, when the garbage would be taken out, because I had missed last week's pick up. She continued to say that the downstairs garbage was full and someone should have taken it out last week. I told her that her and my definition of full was different (but she didn't hear me say that, apparently).

And that's all. For today.
Let me know in the comments how your parents annoy you :)


Have you guys ever laughed at something really funny for one moment, and then laughed about it again < 30 minutes later? With the same people? In the same conversation? I have. On many different occasions.
I was just thinking about it when I was putting the sheets back on my bed: is that a sign of being socially awkward? Like, still being in the moment of the funny story and not wanting to move on, even though the people you are sitting with have moved on with a different conversation subject?
I tried reasoning that the reason I do that is because I like being happy. This may be hard to believe for those of you who have read all of my blog posts from the beginning, since I tend to bitch about a lot of things...Hah, the next post I'm going to write right after this one is no exception. (Yes, you guys are going to get two blog posts in one day! How lucky are you? I figured as soon as I get the thoughts in my head, I should type them out immediately. Or else I'll forget and my passion for the topic will have vanished.)
Sometimes I think that I am more socially awkward than other people. And then I meet those people who think they are even more socially awkward than myself. But really, I think I am. I tell people that I'm better at listening to people than speaking with people: maybe this is just something I say to cover up what I'm actually like.
I don't know, this is as far as my thought processes went. What do you guys think?