Monday, 21 July 2014

Whoa...I Didn't Give This A Title

Have you ever felt like your brain was melting? I don't mean in the physical sense, because that would not be good and very gross, but in the figurative sense...that your world is slowing down.
I may have a problem if this doesn't happen to anyone else.
What I mean is that sometimes some moments in my life happen very slowly. Like, to the point where I think a switch in my brain was flipped and suddenly I'm seeing things in slow motion, but it feels fast forwarded too.
The way I'm wording it probably isn't helping either. But I don't know how else to explain it!

Okay, say you're walking down the stairs to the living room, or den in my case. You get to the den and you sit down on the couch to watch a movie. Now, as you sit down and get comfortable, your head starts to pound a little and you feel a bit dizzy. You don't worry about it because it will go away soon. But as you reach for the remotes to turn the TV on and start the DVD, you feel as though your hand is reaching out ten times faster than it normally does, when in fact your brain is giving you the impression that you're going ten times slower.

It's a weird scenario, but this is a real life situation that has happened to me. You probably don't believe me and think I'm crazy, but I am being genuinely truthful.
This doesn't occur a lot in my life. Maybe once a month or less. But it still happens.
It's a weird feeling, but it's cool at the same time. My thoughts go a million miles an hour while my actions go a lot slower.
It's also scary, because I don't know why it's happening, and I sometimes freak out in my head when it happens. Like, is my body catching up with my brain, or vice versa?

Anyway, yeah, I just wanted to let you know. This was a little blurb from my life.
I needed to escape a bit. I haven't been feeling well for a while: my stomach has been making weird noises and acting weird for the past couple weeks, and I don't know how to make it feel better. School is also super stressful at the moment, since it's the end of the semester and things are due. I also have been feeling the need to stay up for longer than I want to...I want to go to sleep, my eyes are tired, but something in me is telling me to stay awake until midnight or later. Which sucks. I guess my body is getting used to going to bed late, which is not something it's supposed to do!!
Okay, I need to go now. Maybe find a movie to watch, or YouTube, or a TV show, or something. I'll see all y'all in a month!