Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Healthy vs Unhealthy

Recently, one of my childhood friends lost a lot of weight. There's nothing wrong with that, obviously; I'm really happy for her, and as long as she's content with who she is, then I'm content. But the thing that bothered me was something she had written in her Instagram/Facebook post about losing the weight: something along the lines of "Being unhealthy is HARD; being healthy is HARD; pick your HARD."
Two things.
One. Being over the normal/typical weight for your height and/or body type does not mean you're unhealthy. I'm about 30 pounds overweight, but I consider my lifestyle to be a lot healthier than some of my [skinny] friends, at least while I was growing up. My mom is a health freak. And when I mean freak, I mean she takes vitamins every day (my sister and I used to take vitamins every day...I got tired of choking every time I swallowed a pill), she makes our meals with salad *every night,* she does not buy things that are made in China or have preservatives in them. Like, to the nines. When she used to make my sister and I lunch when we were in school, there would be about two inches of lettuce, a millimetre of sandwich meat, and a scraping of mayo. I am not even kidding. I tweeted a picture of my sandwich a long time ago that looked exactly how I just described to you. So, in my case, I'd say I'm pretty healthy. Well, I'm healthy, but where I am in weight does not reflect that "healthiness." That reason, though, is probably because I have snacked a bit too much throughout my lifetime. I try to keep my snacks healthy (nuts, yogourt, fruit), but nobody's perfect. And you've gotta live a little! Ice cream and chips, man; they're heaven on earth, and the small pleasures in life make living a lot better.
Which leads me to number two. Being healthy and being fit are two different things, so being "healthy" is not synonymous with going to the gym to lose weight, as she so put in her social media post. I know some people who are larger in size [than me] but can climb a mountain without heaving and ho-ing, while I'm dying not even 5 minutes into the hike.

There's more I could have added to that second point, but I think I made my case.
What do you guys think about being healthy vs unhealthy? Do you agree with me? Disagree?

I hope you're all doing fantastic though. Thanks for reading ^^

Sunday, 11 January 2015

10 Facts About Me

I was going to write this as a post on my Facebook account. Then I realized I didn't want to become vulnerable to people I have as friends there. So here I am, leaving it here instead.
This might become a regular thing, but we'll see. Because, knowing me, I probably won't be able to commit.

1. I've changed a lot over the past 5 years. Therefore,
2. Relationships of any kind are difficult to maintain.
3. I'm the common denominator in said relationships, so I must be doing something wrong.
4. I'd rather be alone.
5. Pretty sure my parents don't like that I've been staying in my room, alone, for the past week or so.
6. I could go a day and more without vocally speaking.
7. Social interactions are awkward.
8. I've become more awkward than ever before.
9. Being a self-diagnosed extreme introvert makes it hard for me to accept that I can go out into the world and do the things I want to do.
10. I wish these facts weren't true.