Tuesday, 29 April 2014

To My Future Husband

(I'll be adding and editing this as time goes on...)

The only couple relationship I have been exposed to the most is my mom and dad. I think this is typical of any person, and when said person gets married to someone, he/she brings certain aspects of that relationship in their own.
However, there are also something things he/she would change. Like me.
There's something about my parents's relationship that doesn't agree with me...mainly that my father is a misogynist. He expects everything to be handed to him without any criticism, which mostly include meals. I understand he's the breadwinner and handy-man of the family and he's allowed to relax when he gets home. BUT (and this is a big, humongous, ginormous but) the members of his family would extremely appreciate it if he could set the table for a meal, or take the dog out for a walk, or do the dishes every once in a while.
I feel like my parents are the only ones that act like this because I've heard of other people's parents *not* being like this.
Anyway, this post is for my future husband, so let's get right down to it:

Hey hon. I'm basically going to list a few (heh) things that I want you to do for me when we start living as a married couple, and this list is going off the assumption that both of us are doing what we want to do (and work full time).
  1. Make half the meals in our home: we either make breakfast/lunch/dinner for each other every other night or switch off weeks or make it together or something. We'll figure it out.
  2. When you make the meals, I'll set the table and do the dishes; and vice versa.
  3. Grocery shopping is a thing.
  4. If either of us sees that the other is dressing strangely and/or the laundry basket is full, do the laundry. Obviously, "full" is subjective, but I trust you. (Separate the colours and whites ^.~)
This will change once we have kids (because we've talked about it and want kids eventually), but "we'll figure it out." <3

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