Okay, so I'm bottling a bunch of little things inside myself and that's why I'm crying like a crazy person. One of the things has been building up for a while, but it wasn't until recently when the little things happened that I decided to get emotional.
- I got a hair cut on Thursday. And, in general, I like the style. However, after I took a shower that night, I realized there were a few mistakes. Let's list them, shall we: there are a few hairs around my ear that are *way* longer than the rest; the hair on one side of my head is longer than the other side; there's a section of hair on the top of my head, but in the back that is longer than the rest; and there's another section of hair in the front that is cut bluntly. Also, I have bleached hair, and dead ends come with the bleaching. I thought the guy would have noticed, and I asked for a trim, but there are still fried ends in my hair, mostly in my bangs.
- I went to a housewarming/dinner party at a friend's house. I wanted to leave early because I wanted to see my mom and I also wanted to relax before I went to bed. I left around 7:45 to catch the bus, and I waited at a stop with a bench which had a covering. I got to the stop, and after a minute, I noticed a woman standing right at the post, so I assumed she was getting on the same bus as I was. The bus arrived, and it didn't stop. It paused, but it paused way after the stop post/pole/thing. I thought the driver saw me walking towards the door through his side mirror, and he might have, but he just kept on going. I ran to the next stop, but I, of course, missed it. Then, instead of waiting another hour, I decided to walk to where I needed to be.
- My birthday is coming up, and I'm actually doing something for it. I invited my sister. And now she can't come, even though I need her to be there. Because I'm an introvert and I need someone I'm familiar with. She makes me comfortable and normal, and I'm the most myself when I'm around her, with someone other than myself.
- And this one was a long time coming: what I'm going to do with my life. I'm going to be completely done with school on the 27th. It's my last day of class. And I have no idea what I'm going to do after. I was thinking about my passions these past couple weeks, and I don't have any. I thought I did, but I don't, because I don't love them as much as I did. Therefore, looking for a job is going to be extra hard because I don't even know where to start.
There's probably more. But for now, this is what's plaguing my mind. And the reason why my eyes are stinging. So, yeah. My heart and soul, out on the internet.
I don't know how to end this, so I'm just going to say bye.
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