Monday, 6 April 2015

Asian Fan Fics

If you guys didn't know, I'm currently on an all-Korea kick at the moment, that has lasted since August 2014. This is probably the longest time I have been obsessed with anything, ever, so thanks for being patient with me while I sort out my thoughts. Obviously, I've been trying to post coherent blog articles in the meantime, but it's not as often as I would like and I haven't been getting them often.
That's a lie; I have been thinking about a lot of different blog posts, but I don't write them down and/or I forget about them and I don't publish them.

Anyway, this is just a post to let you guys know that I will not be posting any of my Kpop-related articles on this blog. I have actually found an online outlet where I can fangirl over Korean celebrities without being judged too harshly, and that site is called And on that site, I have a profile that also allows for the author/reader to have a blog. That is where I've been posting my favourite Korean singers, bands, actors, and any other Korean news I deem worthy enough for an article.
So now, this blog will just focus on my daily thoughts, kinda like a journal entry, but more focused on a specific topic.

I hope you all are well. Have a fantastic Easter and April!

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