So, I had a planned blog post for today, but that's changed.
Today marked a very significant event for John Green, Hank Green, and the Nerdfighting community, as well as for all of YouTube. (If you don't know what Nerdfighters are, then you need to go educate yourself. should get you started...I'd recommend watching all of their videos, but you don't have to...I'm saying you should.) John Green, New York Times Bestselling author as well as one of my favourite authors, got to sit with the President of the United States Barack Obama on one of the Fireside Hangouts on Google+. The hangout is now posted on YouTube if you'd like to watch it.
I would also like to say that I have a Twitter (@paulajaey, if you'd like to follow), and was live tweeting the Fireside Hangout while I was watching it live. Anyway, near the end of the sit-down, John Green brought his wife, Sarah (also known as the Yeti to Nerdfighters, because she doesn't come on camera), into the frame and they asked the President to pick between two names for the baby they are expecting. Unfortunately, the President did not choose. HOWEVER, he told the unborn child to NOT FORGET TO BE AWESOME. This is significant, because DFTBA (standing for Don't Forget To Be Awesome) is the vlogbrothers and Nerdfighters' motto.
The scene to come was John and Sarah's disbelief, quick recollection and thanks...and Twitter blowing up. Hank Green (John Green's younger brother, environmentalist, blogger, creator of many YouTube related events and channels such as VidCon, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, crashcourse and SciShow, and many other things) was also live tweeting the hangout, as is a momentous occasion for the Green family. In the moments to come after President Obama's recognition of the Nerdfighters' motto, many people were in shock and awe and tweeting about these emotions. I was also tweeting...and screen grabbing moments of the Fireside Hangout. After taking pictures, I tweeted these pictures...and received around 30 favourites and retweets within 30 minutes. One retweet was from a significant YouTuber, who goes by mickeleh, and I was thrilled. It was an unbelievable occurrence to happen to me, but I'm glad it did.
I just want to say thank you to the YouTube community, as well as the vlogbrothers and Nerdfighters around the world. All of you made my Valentine's Day, and I will cherish this day for the rest of my life.
And I hope all of you had a wonderful day.
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