I stickered up my calendar. And I'm not speaking about this in figurative terms. It's for real.
Because I have so many stickers in my room (that I don't use and are just lying around collecting dust), I decided to put the sticky papered pictures onto my calendar, each kind of sticker representing something I need to do/remember. For example, Mickey Mouse stickers are for birthdays, weird looking smiley face stickers are for face exfoliation (once a week), and cute Asian bear stickers are for when I opened up a fresh pair of contacts...I'm telling you about this because I am also using a different kind of sticker for something special: sparkly animal stickers for a blog post (once a week, every Thursday).
As you can tell, I have already not done this, since today is Friday, but I'm trying people.
I couldn't think of an interesting blog topic...so this is what you get.
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