Friday, 27 February 2015


Nothing major has happened in my life. Yet. Hopefully soon. Maybe. I'm very on the fence about things. Recently, and I may or may not have mentioned this in a previous post (I'm too lazy to go check, you all should know this by now), I've been wanting to go teach in Korea, what with my crazy obsession with all things Korean at the moment. It's not going away, so I'm going to need to get this out of my system soon so I can get on with my life. SO, I'm going to go to Korea this year. It's gonna happen. I have been and am going to apply to work as an English teacher there, and probably spend a year there. But that won't happen until I get my physical degree, which is gonna be in June or July.

So, these days, I haven't been going out of the house. Like, at all. I realize that if I could do everything I need to do in one room (cook, bathe, exercise, work), my life would be made.
I don't like going out unless I absolutely need to, like to be social or to go grocery shopping or to church.

Enough about that now. The title of this post. To keep myself busy, however, I've been writing fan fiction. If any of you so feel the need to check out my fiction writing, please do so. My handle is the same (paulajaey) across three sites:,, and I've posted things in FF and AFF, but not in AO3. So yeah. That's that. I'm a little embarrassed to be making this as a post, but it's the only thing that's going for me right now.

I hope you all are well, and I will see you when I see you.

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