Wednesday, 20 May 2015

New Things, kinda

I think I make people awkward.

I got a job at the beginning of the month (woot woot!), and I like the work. So far, I have just been stocking shelves and organizing and making things look pretty, which I don't mind because I love doing those things normally. But I don't think the people I work with like me very much. Or I'm just too weird to be around society/I make them uncomfortable some how...Or maybe it's just me over analyzing things. This is not a good skill to have, I'm sure, but I somehow make it work for myself. Anyway, I'm mostly just on call (perks of being a part-timer), which is frustrating, but what can I do? It's not my place to ask for more work, and if they don't need me on certain days, that's fine. After calling work to see if they needed me today (which they didn't), I actually got a call for a job interview. It's on Friday, and I'm nervous and excited. It'd be great to get the job, so I'd have more work and make a bit more money, so I'm not just constantly sitting on my ass at home.

I've been thinking about going to finally ask about volunteering at a free trade store in my city too, as well as taking some bar tending classes to get certification. I've been interested in mixology for a while now, and I keep telling people I'm going to do something about it, but I haven't yet. So I guess now would be a perfect time.

I'm still doing pilates too, just not as regularly as before. (I don't remember if I actually told you guys about my pilates exercising, but oh well. Now you know!)

Hope you are all doing well ^^

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