Sunday, 3 January 2016


I've been thinking about what I believe in recently. I know I believe in God, but what most people think of when the term "Christian" is mentioned tends to have a bad connotation. Which isn't all that great for those who do consider themselves Christians.

My definition of a Christian is someone who has a relationship with God; someone who is Christ-like; someone who treats others as he/she would want to be treated...It has nothing to do with going to church every Sunday, Bible-thumping, telling everyone that they're going to hell if they don't believe in God. The people who do that mean well, but I wouldn't want to be bombarded like that if I didn't believe.

I went to church today. I haven't been in the past couple weeks because of work and because I was tired from work. I realized I don't like church, or "organized religion," because to me, that's what it is. It's fake. The pastors and those involved with the church just make me uncomfortable with their constant "take part in some way, volunteer, do something helpful every Sunday," and if you miss a week, it feels like you're condemned and everyone just avoids you.
The "community" isn't a community at all...The word community is fake in itself. Everyone only ever looks out for themselves, and I think it's creepy if someone you don't consider a friend tries to get some insight into your life when you didn't ask them for advice or whatever.

Aand back to my normal, not so serious writing tone XD
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I've been away as you noticed, mostly just working. I haven't checked this blog in a long time, and I haven't updated my dream blog in a long time too...I'm sad I haven't kept up with it, even though I have notes of past dreams still kicking around my room. I haven't been able to remember a lot of my dreams recently as well: I don't have a bedside table anymore so I can't jot down notes on a notepad as soon as I wake up, and I find taking notes on my phone to be not as effective (ie. I don't like typing on my phone as soon as I wake up).
I guess to just recap the last half 2015: I moved to an apartment, I've been working at my two workplaces, and I recently quit from one of my workplaces (I got demoted because I requested time off, so I figured I should just leave because what the hell kind of reason is that) and will just be working at the other. WOOT. I hope you all are well, that you had a Merry Christmas, and that your 2016 will be absolutely marvellous!

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