Saturday, 16 September 2017


I'm feeling judged.

I want to go away for my birthday, and I'm seriously considering Australia.
Yes, part of the reason is so I get to have sex with people I've been talking to on Twitter, but the other part is to do something crazy and actually go somewhere other than North America for the first time ever.

I told my friend yesterday and she was all "yas girl go" (she's all on board for the sex part ha) she's in California on a break from work right now too, a break she really needs and deserves. It'd be for my 25th birthday too, and I kinda want to do something unexpected of myself. Australia is unexpected, and random, and I've heard good things. I think I could really chill there...

So I told my sister this morning about going (not about the sex omg) and she gave me this look like "with what money, you're not working, you have student loans, you're also paying rent, why the hell would you spend upwards of $5000 on a trip across the world." Not "hey, that'd be cool, sounds like a good time, you'll have fun, you need to get away from here."
Therefore, I'm conflicted. She brought my mood down about it when I was nervously excited before. I even looked up flights and hostels/airbnbs...

Yeah, now I feel tired and I want to stay in bed all day when I really need to finish this assignment for IDI. Ugh.

I hope you all are well. What's the craziest thing you've ever done for your birthday? (Don't tell me about those black out drunk times, those aren't fun.)

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